The play is based on Anik Dutta’s Bengali film “Bhooter Bhabhisyat”. It starts with Ayan Dasgupta, a movie director who visits an old ‘Jamindar Bari’ in Kolkata for shooting his new ad film. He has a dream of making a movie but struggles with plots and funding. He encounters a mysterious man in the house who tells Ayan a ghost story. The story is about a palatial mansion of the deceased Rai Bahadur which becomes the house for a bagful of ghosts. The haunted house called “Chowdhury Palace” is filled with different ghosts who belong to different eras, coming from different socio-political backgrounds and religions. The story also has comical clashes between “Bangal” and “Ghonti”, so called “high and low” cultural differences with underlying thoughtful messages inhibiting cast-system and religious intolerance. The ghosts familiarize with each other and become friends when one day unfortunately, this atmosphere of peace and tranquillity is destroyed. The ghosts discover that a greedy plot dealer “Ganesh Bhootoria” has made up his mind to convert the old mansion into a deluxe shopping mall. Will they be able to fight back to save ‘Chowdury Palace’ from the prying eyes of the greedy promoter? Will Ayan find out who that mysterious man is? Will Ayan be able to make his own movie?